

Foods rich in iron

Updated: 10/10/2023
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12y ago

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Pork Liver


Chicken Liver


Beef Liver





Enriched breakfast cereals

Cooked beans and lentils

Pumpkin seeds

Blackstrap Molasses

Canned beans

Baked potato with skin

Enriched pasta

Canned asparagus

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13y ago
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12y ago

The human body can't survive without iron. Iron helps move oxygen, improves energy metabolism and synthesized DNA during cell reproduction. Hundreds of the body's essential enzymes and proteins contain iron. The Linus Pauling Institute recommends daily iron intakes of 8 mg for adult men and more than twice than, 18 mg, for adult women.

The body absorbs iron from some foods better than from others. The wrong meal combination actually blocks the mineral's absorption. Knowing which foods work together to promote iron absorption may prevent iron deficiency, or anemia.

Heme Iron vs. Non-Heme Iron

Iron is available in heme and non-heme forms. Heme iron comes from animal sources including red meats, shellfish and eggs. The Centers for Disease Control report that heme iron is absorbs two to three times more easily than non-heme.

Heme-iron foods include:
  • Drained canned clams, 23.8 mg per 3-ounce serving
  • Cooked shelled oysters, 10.1 mg per 3-ounce serving
  • Cooked liver, giblets or other organ meats, 5.4 to 9.9 mg per 3-ounce serving
  • Cooked beef chuck blade roast, 3.2 mg per 3-ounce serving

Many plant-based foods are rich natural sources of non-heme iron. They include:

  • Cooked mature soybeans, 4.4 mg per 1/2-cup serving
  • Roasted pumpkin seeds, 4.4 mg per 1-ounce serving
  • Blackstrap molasses, 3.5 mg per 1-tbsp serving
  • Cooked fresh spinach, 3.2 mg per 1/2-cup serving

Non-heme iron also shows up as an additive in processed breads, cereals and fast foods.

Combining Foods for Iron Absorption

Eating foods with both types of iron simultaneously increases non-heme iron absorption. Vitamin C-rich foods also enhance non-heme iron absorption.

Foods that Interfere with Iron Absorption

The polyphenols in coffee, tea, red wine and chocolate and the calcium in dairy products limit iron absorption. Many foods high in insoluble fiber contain phytic acid. It bonds with iron to produce an unabsorbable salt, or phytate. Nuts, oatmeal, pinto beans and brown rice may interfere with iron absorption. Because most of these foods provide many health benefits, however, they deserve a place at low-iron meals.

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9y ago

There are a number of foods with low amounts of iron. These include chicken, pork, peanut butter, broccoli, as well as tea.

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14y ago

Liver is particularly rich in iron. Meat in general is a source of iron.

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12y ago

Spinich has the most iron. Meats have lots of iron. Beans also have lots of iron. There are whole lists of them on the websites. These are the basics.

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15y ago

liver, spinach, broccoli, beets

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vegetables and fish

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How much iron in the iron rich foods?

it depends on the food

How do you keep anemia healthy?

Take an iron supplement or eat foods rich in iron.

Where can I find a list of foods that are high in iron?

The best place to find information for diets is www.WebMD,com. This site has a list for the top ten Iron-Rich Foods. The web site is located at

Is not eating meat for 60 days bad?

No, but eat foods rich in iron or take iron supplements

What foods are iron fortified?

All green leafy vegetables,jaggary,rice,are rich sources of iron

Does vitamin c impair iron absorption?

Yes, vitamin C can enhance iron absorption by promoting the conversion of non-heme iron (found in plant-based foods) to a form more easily absorbed by the body. Consuming vitamin C-rich foods, such as citrus fruits, alongside iron-rich foods can help improve iron absorption.

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Iron and foods rich in iron, such as: * Meat * Eggs * Spinach * Apples

What can increase absorption of dietary iron?

Absorption of dietary iron is increased by eating iron-rich foods with vitamin C foods (citrus fruits) and lactic acid (sauerkraut and yogurt). Cooking food in cast-iron pots can also add to their iron content.

What foods should one eat when on an iron-rich diet?

There are some foods which are more rich in iron and can help boost the amount of iron in your diet. Some of them include: red meat, egg yolks, dark, leafy green vegetables, dried fruits, mollusks, liver and artichokes.

Different kinds of food that has iron?

I found a very large list of iron rich food on the list includes foods like Soybeans,spinach,black beans, potatoes, quinoa, kidney beans. it is a very long list im sure youll find somethings

What drink is best to increase absorption of nonheme iron?

Nonheme iron is plant-sourced iron, as opposed to animal-sourced iron. Acidic foods and foods rich in vitamin C greatly increase the absorption, so lemonade or orange juice would be great for this purpose.

Zinc and iron from foods?

Zinc and iron are essential minerals that can be found in a variety of foods. Good sources of zinc include meat, shellfish, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Foods rich in iron include red meat, poultry, fish, beans, lentils, and fortified cereals. Consuming a balanced diet that includes a variety of these foods can help ensure an adequate intake of zinc and iron.