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When the giver is talking about hearing beyond, he is talking about hearing music.

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The hearing beyond that The Giver speaks of refers to the ability to receive thoughts and emotions directly from others without speaking, known as telepathy or extrasensory perception. This form of communication is depicted as a unique skill possessed by the Receiver of Memory and plays a crucial role in the story's plot.

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Q: For The Giver what is the hearing beyond that The Giver speaks of?
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What is the hearing beyond The Giver speaks of?

The hearing beyond The Giver refers to the ability of some individuals in the community to hear music and experience emotions, memories, and sensations that others are not able to. This is a reflection of the deeper emotional and sensory experiences that the people in the community have been deprived of in order to maintain stability and control.

In the giver what does the giver call music?

The Giver refers to music as "noise" because it is considered a foreign concept in the community where emotions and creativity are suppressed, and art forms like music are not recognized or understood.

What is hearing beyond?

Hearing beyond is the ability to listen to music

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What are the three examples of seeing beyond in the giver?

Jonas is able to see beyond the strict rules and regulations of the community to understand the value of emotions and individuality. The Giver, who transmits memories to Jonas, can see beyond the controlled and limited experiences of the community to remember the depth of human experience. Jonas and the Giver both see beyond the facade of a perfect society to recognize the sacrifices and consequences that have been hidden from the residents.

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Both species have exceptional hearing, far beyond the range of humans.

How is foreshadowing used in The Giver?

In "The Giver," foreshadowing is used to hint at future events without explicitly revealing them. For example, the recurring memories of pain and war foreshadow the darker truths Jonas will uncover about his society. Additionally, the mention of Elsewhere foreshadows the possibility of escape and a different way of life for Jonas.

How does deafness affect a person?

They have difficulty hearing. The deaf or hearing impaired are not particularly physically or otherwise impaired beyond issues with hearing.

What is another noun for The Giver in the book The Giver?

A synonym for "The Giver" in the book could be "the Receiver of Memory." This title reflects the character's role in receiving and holding the collective memories of the community.

Why was it important for the community to have a person who could see beyond the giver?

In the giver it is important for a community to have a personn who has the capacity to see beyond, because then the community has someone who has the capacity to keep their memories

Where was the river in the giver located?

The river in "The Giver" was located on the outskirts of the community, beyond the boundary of the controlled environment. Jonas and the Giver accessed it by traveling through the wilderness.