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divorce iz always bad, but they do it for the best of themselves and their kids.

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Q: For a teenager would a parent divorce be good or bad?
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What advice can you give me to help my grandchildren deal with the divorce of their parents?

The most important thing you can do for your grandchildren as they deal with their parent' divorce is to offer them your time. Depending on the age of the children, and the "messiness" of the divorce, your reaction and advice could take various paths. You can offer overnights at your home, where you focus on building happy family memories. You should never denigrate either parent, but help your grandchildren see the good parts of each parent. You can help them feel that divorce is not such an abnormal event, and can show them examples of people who "survived" their parents' divorce to go on to have good relationships and happy families.

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In the United States on average 50 percent of marriages end up in divorce. When teenagers marry the average is closer to 70 percent. I bring those figures up because one of the most important things for a child to develop to their full potential is a stable home life with a father and mother. You would be more likely to be successful if you waited until you were older to become a parent. That being said if a teenager is already expecting a child, then you can still be a good parent, it just takes love and dedication.

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300000000 would be a good number

What is the number one reason for divorce?

Money. It is the root of all evil... I would say Marriage! Without it there would not be divorce.

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You can get a simple fee weight bench for $114 Marcy Olympic Bench at walmart would be good for a teenager.

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Is a parent responsible for college if not stated in divorce?

If it isn't in written in a decree, then a parent isn't responsible for it. So, no, you would not be responsible to pay for college unless it were spelled out as part of the settlement that you made when you got divorced.When a child turns 18, legally they are an adult and all support stops from the non-custodial parent, unless it says otherwise in the divorce decree. That doesn't mean that it isn't a nice or good thing to work it out with your ex and try to split the difference in the educational expenses of college or pay for some of it, whether your are obligated to do so or not.

How do you keep the child in a divorce?

You need a good attorney to represent you in your divorce. It will be up to the court to decide but the parent who has provided the most day-to-day care for the child will be most likely to be awarded physical custody. Who accompanied the child to the doctor and dentist; who went to teacher conferences and sports; who cared for them when they were sick? Being a really good parent helps to set the stage for being awarded physical custody in a contested action.

Can you force a teenager to stay with a parent who has joint custody?

Yes, just as they can be forced to go to school, the doctor, to bed, etc. One of the roles of being a good parent is teaching children what is in their best interest, even if they don't think so. See link below

Is it wrong to still struggle with your parent's divorce when it happened 14 years ago when you're now a teenager?

No, it is very normal. A lot of kids come from divorced families, and a even the most well adjusted sometimes find themselves struggling with it. Your parents are a major part of your life, so a divorce is a major life changer. If it is something that is really pulling at you, it may help to find someone talk to talk to. A therapist would be a first suggestion, but sometimes just a good friend that came from a similar situation can be helpful. It is always a lot harder when you hold it in or don't realize you are not alone.