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Q: For an animal living a diplontic cycle meiosis is limited to?
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Why meiosis is important to some living things?

Meiosis is important to all multicellular animals because it is the only form of animal sexual reproduction

Why are meiosis and mitosis similar?

Plant and animal mitotic phases so similar for a few reasons. One reason is that these animals are both living.

Why did so many people in ancient Greece make their living from the sea?

Animal protein was limited, so fishing was important. Produce was limited so they traded overseas for it.

When After completing meiosis II human sex cells have a total of chromosomes.?

no they have half as many other wise there would be no need for sexual reproduction and every living animal would all be clones one thing

Is meiosis is sexual or asexual reproduction?

Since a cell is not considered a living thing, meiosis is neither asexual or sexual reproduction.

Is an animal a living thing or non living thing?

An animal is a living thing.

Why are some animals more likely to survive to adulthood than other animals?

This is a tough question, as there are many contributing factors, but the main ones would most likely be Environment, Health, and Resources. -In Resources, an animal's life can be limited by the availability of food, water, and shelter. -In Health, an Animal's life can be limited by plagues, parasites, and predators. -In Environment, not living in a compatible environment can limit an animals health, by giving it incompatible resources. Also, an animal living in a controlled environment, like a zoo, tends to live longer than an animal living in the wild.

What do the life cycle of all living things have in common?

The life cycle of all living things have a beginning and an end (aka life and death) All three life cycles (animal, plants/algae and fungi) have these three key features: fertilization, undergoes mitosis and meiosis.

Is a vinegar eel a parasite?

no, it is a free-living animal.

Which animal does not breathe and has no blood?

nothing animal because all animal are living thing and non living things are not

Is a animal living?

yes animals are living :)

Why is meiosis important in organisms?

Who cares?? Seriously!! Stupid Science