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Dolphins and whales out of water have two problems: heat and their own weight. Large animals have low surface to volume ratios, so it is hard for them to cool themselves. Also, whales are well insulated (blubber), which is good if they're in the water, but not if they're beached. It's like having a winter coat on in 70 degree weather, you'd overheat very quickly. A whale's body isn't designed to support its own weight, it relies on water for support

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Q: For how long can dolphins live out of water?
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Dolphins can live in both, it depends on their inhabitant.

How long does the dolphins live?

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Do dolphins live on the surface?

No, they live in the water.

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It is beacouse of their blowholes

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Seriously?? Dolphins live in salt water or in the Amazon.

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Yes they do

Where live the dolphins?

dolphins are highly intelligent,,, dolphins live mostly in the ocean in the shallow water,, they can live in any ocean around the would. but some dolphins live in rivers

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Dolphins live in the sea water, but do not drink it. The ocean water is too salty for the dolphins system to handle.

How long do whales and dolphins live?

Dolphins live 30-50 years or mabye more

Do dolphins live in salt or fresh water?

Yes, dolphins can live in both. The fresh water dolphins are related to the River dolphins. They include Piatanistidae, Ganges and Indus, niidae ( Boto or Amazon ) , Pontoporiida ( Baiji or Franciscana ) But, the only dolphin that can live in both is the Tucuxi ( Sotalia Fluviatilis ) There are may other dolphins that live in salt water though. They include Bottlenose, Spinner, Strpied, and many, many more.

Does Dolphins live in shallow or deep water?

They live in shallow sea water