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Q: For what reasons did people establish colonies in New England?
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For which reason were the Northern Colonies initially settled?

The Northern colonies were initially settled by groups of people from England who left for religious reasons. People also settled in the Northern colonies for economic reasons.

Why did people come to the New England colonies?

Most people in the New England colonies came to America for freedom of religion. Some also had economic reasons.

What were some reasons the colonies became rebellious towards England?

Well there were many Reasons # England charged too many taxes. # England commanded to only trade with the Mother Country(england). # Didn't give any rights to the colonies nor the people of the colonies. # Probitted Many town Meetings. # Didn't have many of the Democratic Principles. # Didn't allow the colonies to break off from the mother country (England) and wouldn't let them be independent.

Why did the group of people who establish the Plymouth colony leave England?

The group of people that left England for the Plymouth Colony did so mostly for religious reasons. They were being mistreated in England and the Netherlands and thought America would be better.

Why did England setup colonies?

the england setup becauses they were no more people in the england colonies

How were all of the colonies established by England similar and how were they different?

A company called the "virginia CO." got a charter from the king to establish land in America. people started moving there and creating there own colonies.

How life in the colonies was shaped by where people lived?

The colonies were separated into the New England Colonies, the Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies.

Why did Spain establish colonies in the sixteenth century?

Spain established colonies for wealth and to convert people to christanity.

Why people came to the colonies?

relgious reasons

Were lots of people in the middle colonies loyal to England?

Most people in the middle colonies where loyalists

What did the people of the New England colonies wear?

people in the newengland colonies wear homeless clothes

What people were in New England colonies?
