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You should do a variation of both.

In the stall...

If your horse is in it's stall for a while, give it something to do; give it a flake of hay or put a salt/mineral-lick in there, or maybe a horse toy. At our barn, in the summer, we have fans in the stalls which we leave on. They seem to enjoy that.

In the field...

If your horse is out in the field, most people keep light blankets on them. Quite a long explanation for this;

When it gets cold out, the horse's body automatically begins to form a winter coat. When they shed this coat in the spring, there are smooth, short fine hairs underneith. For people who show alot, they keep the blanket on so that their body stays a warm temperature and doesn't for the winter coat. Showers do this all year round! It's a brilliant trick used for years.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Yes, a horse can be kept in a field. If the horse is living in the field it does need some sort of shelter. Most people prefer to put up a run-in shed, a type of building with open sides, so that the horse has some place to go in case of wind or storm.

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14y ago

It depends on the horse. When I am riding my horse and will be riding him for the next couple days, I keep him in a barn (but he has access to outside.) When I won't be riding him for a couple days, I put him in the pasture because there is more grass.

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14y ago

it doesent realy matter.

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Q: Is it better to keep a show horse in a field than a stable?
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if you are talking of outside, you can build something like a lean-to or small open barn or the horse to shelter in bad weather or from cold. but if you can, in bad weather or cold keep your horse in its stall in the barn.

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Of course! You can keep a horse and a goat in the same field. It is common to use a goat as a companion animal for horses as long as the goat does not have horns.

How do you know if you should keep your horse in a stable or keep it at pasture?

This can depend on the breed of horse and type of work the horse is being used for. Example, is the horse kept for training and competition or is the horse for hacking/riding for pleasure. Stable vs pasture can also depend on the time of year -winter vs summer and of course the quality of the pasture- is there shelter and food.

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No. Having a horse is perfectly alright. Even if you live in the city. You can keep your horse in a horse park stable would be the best idea if you are living in the city. no

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Can I get a horse when I don't have enough room?

It's always possible. If you have the money you can board your horse at a stable. But this can be expensive. There are different levels of boarding. From just a pasture to a fancy stable with stalls and attached paddocks and riding arenas. If you want to keep a horse at home consult with your county code department. Some areas will let you keep a horse on a small plot of land.

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He wouldn't have been there, but in the stable. In the keep he was one of the lowest of the low.

A place to keep horses or steady?

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