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The breaking apart of the nucleus of an atom is called nuclear fusion.

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14y ago
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1w ago

Forces that may cause the nuclei of an atom to break apart include strong repulsive forces between protons due to their positive charges, insufficient binding energy to hold the nucleus together, and external collisions with high-energy particles. These forces can lead to nuclear fission, where a heavy nucleus splits into smaller nuclei.

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13y ago

I believe it is nuclear fission.

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10y ago

atom smasher

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Q: Forces that may cause the nuclei of an atom to break apart are?
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Protons and electrons are the two subatomic particles that cause atoms to be pushed apart due to their like charges repelling each other. Neutrons do not have a charge and do not contribute to the electrostatic forces between atoms. The attraction between the positively charged protons in the nucleus and the negatively charged electrons around the nucleus causes atoms to be pulled together.

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The subatomic particles of the Atom (neutrons, protons, electrons) are released at high velocity. Some of these particles can strike other atoms and cause them to break apart, releasing large amounts of energy; this is called nuclear fission (atoms fissioning into lighter atoms). A self-sustaining fission reaction where atoms break apart, and cause other atoms to break apart, can be created with many radioactive elements such as Plutonium or Uranium in an event called a Chain Reaction.

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