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Q: Formed from slow cooling magma speckled with large minerals grains?
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The hardness of naturally occuring minerals depends on what?

how the grains interlock and the pressure it formed under

How is texture related to cooling history?

The slower a mineral cools, the larger the crystals it forms. Rapid cooling produces fine grained rocks / minerals, while slow cooling produces large grained rocks / minerals. In the case of igneous rocks, for example, you can tell whether it was formed inside the earth and underwent slow cooling (like granite) or was formed during extrusion from the earth, (such as during a volcanic eruption), which would expose it to water or air, cooling it rapidly. If it has large, chunky crystals, in is an intrusive rock, formed inside the earth, and cooled very slowly. If it is very fine grained or has no grains, (such as obsidian), it is an extrusive rock.

Rocks with large mineral grains are formed from what?

Their texture could be formed from slow-cooling magma, from mineral precipitation and crystallization in pockets or fractures, or from recrystallization during metamorphism.

Two mineral grains that are found in soil and formed from granite?

Quartz and mica. Clay minerals come from decomposing feldspars.

What the grains found in igneous rock?

Grains found in igneous rock are minerals that solidified from a molten state. They can be coarse or fine, depending on the cooling rate of the magma. Common minerals found as grains in igneous rock include quartz, feldspar, mica, and olivine. The size, shape, and arrangement of these grains can provide clues about the cooling history and composition of the rock.

Does obsididan rock have large mineral grains?

No. Obsidian is formed by the very rapid cooling of lava which means that crystals do not have time to form.

Most New York State sandstone bedrock was formed?

in a delta from sand grains deposited, buried, and cemented together by minerals.

What do large crystal grains in an igneous rock indicate?

A vesicular igneous texture generally indicates rapid cooling.

How are rocks and grains different?

rocks are formed from grains and grains are small and the rocks are big. Sedimentary rocks are formed when grains or sediments are compacted together.

Do fast cooling causes small grains?

yes it does

Is porous a rock formed from grains stuck together?

A rock formed from grains stuck together would be Porous

Does grains have minerals?

No. It is vesicular glass, like pumice.