

Best Answer

Yes, islands are abundant and have been known since the earliest of times. Some people even live on them. To find the location of islands simply consult any atlas.

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Q: Fossils of mermaids had been found in some islands.. do they really exist?
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Are mermaids really manatees?

Actually, no because mermaids don't exist.

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Do mermaids eat you?

Mermaids are imaginary creatures, so while imaginary mermaids might or might not eat imaginary prey, mermaids do not really exist, so they do not really eat you.

Are there only three mermaids?

Mermaids do not really exist. They exist only in our imaginations. Though there may be "mermaids" at the unexplored reaches of our Earth (or any other planet for that matter), there are no real mermaids that we know of.

Are mermaids really exist in this world?

No there are no mermaids in this world. they are just fantasy characters in movies or books

Is mermaid really exist in nature?

No. Mermaids are folklore. They are not real.

Do mermaids really exist in the Philippines?

Mermaids, in the Philippines and elsewhere, exist in the imagination. While they make excellent subjects for cartoons and fairy tales, they are not real.

Where do mermaids live deep in the ocean?

Mermaids do not live in any ocean on Earth as they are not real.

Are mermaid s reel?

No. Mermaids are mythical creatures who do not really exist.

Is it most likely that mermaids exist?

No. It is certain that mermaids do not exist.

Do mermaids really have powers?

Not really because mermaids don't exist outside of stories. Within stories they may or may not have powers depending on what the writer wants.

Do mermaids get married?

Not really. Mermaids come from the imagination of authors and are not real. If the author wants the mermaids to reproduce then he or she would write that into the story.