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Q: Four letter word for food thickening agent?
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What is name of substance used as a food thickening agent?


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The food additive E417 is tara gum. It's an ingredient used as a food binder or thickening agent.

In the movie volcano How did they make the lava?

In the movie "Volcano", the lava was created using a combination of practical effects, such as using molten materials like salt and taffy, along with digital effects to enhance and manipulate the lava to make it look realistic. It was a combination of different techniques to achieve the desired visual effect of flowing lava.

What is about Ar ow Root?

Arrowroot is a powder that is ground up and used as a thickening agent. It is usually found in specialty or health food stores.

Is seaweed in chocolate milk?

Yes, chocolate milk has carrageenan, which is a substance extracted from red and purple seaweeds, consisting of a mixture of polysaccharides. It is used as a thickening or emulsifying agent in food products.

What is hair grease made from?

Generally the fluid base is petroleum derived, while the thickening agent usually consists of soap made from aluminum, barium, calcium, lithium, sodium, or strontium

What are Four letter words with second letter o?

food, four, fork, dogs, sock, soup

What is the definition for starch?

Starch is a complex carbohydrate found in plants and serves as a major source of energy. It consists of long chains of glucose molecules and is commonly used as a thickening agent in cooking and food production.

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What is a food thickener with four letters and the third letter is a u?

Four letter food thickeners are usually either "agar" or "guar." Check if your "u" is correct.

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