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In 1673, Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet were the first Europeans to explore and map the northern portion of the Mississippi River.

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Q: France based her claims on the Ohio Valley on the exploration of what 2 exploring teams?
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What countries had claims in the Ohio Valley?

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Where did France concentrate its settlements?

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Zebulon Pike's exploration, known as the Pike Expedition, was significant for expanding American knowledge of the western frontier. His expeditions were instrumental in mapping the Louisiana Purchase territory and exploring the Rocky Mountains and Southwest regions. Pike's exploration helped to solidify American claims to these territories and paved the way for further westward expansion.

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In 1803, Jefferson authorized the Louisiana Purchase, which bought France's claims to the Mississippi River Valley and doubled the size of the US.

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In 1763, a treaty was signed by France, Great Britain, Portugal, and Spain called Treaty of Paris. France gave up Canada and its claims from Mississippi river to Britain.

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Jacques Cartier was a French explorer who made three voyages to North America in the 16th century. He is credited with exploring and mapping parts of Canada, specifically the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the St. Lawrence River. His expeditions contributed to France's claims in North America and opened the door for further exploration and colonization by the French.