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Benjamin Franklin was referring to the need for colonial unity. He produced a political cartoon for the Pennsylvania Gazette with the picture of a sliced snake, each part labeled with the abbreviation for each colony except Delaware and Georgia, who were omitted. The phrase "JOIN, or DIE." was written beneath the snake.

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Q: French and Indian War Join or Die who said that?
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When Benjamin Franklin said join or die what did he mean?

Benjamin Franklin drew and first published his "Join or Die" cartoon in his Pennsylvania Gazette on May 9, 1754. It was the earliest pictorial representation of the desire to form "a union" among the colonists and the separate colonies.

What war did the join or die cartoon originate from?

Benjamin Franklin drew and published this cartoon in 1754, soon after the start of the French and Indian War.

What is the date of Benjamin Franklin's ''join or die'' political cartoon?

The French and Indian war prompted Benjamin Franklin to use a political cartoon to stress the need for Colonial unity .

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Who said the quote join or die Thomas J. or Ben F.?

Benjamin Franklin

What was Benjamin Franklin's first published cartoon?

It was a segmented snake that symbolized that the colonies should unite against the French and Indians' pressure to join their side in the French and Indian War. He believed that if they did not unite, they would be killed by the French and Indian attackers. It was segmented into different parts that were symbolizing the all the colonies except Delaware and Georgia.