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Q: From 1942 to 1945 who were allied with the US?
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Who Win Logistically in World War 2 in Burma 1942-1945?

The Allied Powers.

When did US have victory over Solomon Islands in World War 2?

January 1942 - August 21, 1945 the Solomon Islands were taken and the Allied Forces won them back.

When did the US drop a bomb on Hiroshima?

From April 1942 to August 1945.

What man was the Supreme Allied Commander during World War 2?

There where numerous Supreme Allied Commanders during WW2 in command of different operational areas.General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander in the Mediterranean (1942-1944) & Supreme Allied Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force (1944-1945).Field Marshal Henry Maitland Wilson, Supreme Allied Commander in the Mediterranean (1944)Field Marshal Harold Alexander, Supreme Allied Commander in the Mediterranean (1944-1945)Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, Supreme Commander South East Asia Command (1943-1945)General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in the Southwest Pacific Area (1942-1945)

What US president led forces in World War 2?

Dwight D. Eisenhower was the Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe from 1942 to 1945. He was a 5-star general in overall command of the war against Nazi Germany.

What was the best selling car of 1945?

There were no new cars built or sold for the general public in the US between early 1942 through 1945.

What date did the US drop the a bomb on japan?

April 18th 1942

What was the cost of a car in the us in 1945?

There were no new cars produced in the US for the general public from early February 1942 through mid October 1945 due to WWII.

When was Allied Bank Limited created?

Allied Bank Limited was created in 1942.

Where did the allied leaders meet for a conference in july of 1945-?

The allied leaders met for a conference in July of 1945 the in Potsdam.

Are the nickels in 1930 made of silver?

No, the only US nickels to have silver are the "War Nickels" from 1942 to 1945

Why were car's not built from 1942-1945?

WWII was happening. There were 1942 models built but production was halted in early 1942. The US automobile plants switched over to building military vehicles and equipment.