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Avignon, France

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Q: From what town did the popes rule the Catholic Church between 1309 and 1377?
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Which city is called City of Popes?

Avignon, France, is sometimes referred to as the "City of Popes" because of the presence of popes and anti-popes from 1309 to 1423 during the Catholic schism.

What is the date of the Avignon Papacy?

the avigon papcy refers to a period in history of the roman catholic church from 1309-1378

The palace of the popes was located in what city of Provence before it was moved back to Rome?

In 1309, Pope Clement V moved the Roman Catholic Papacy to Avignon in Provence France. From 1309 until 1377, seven Popes reigned in Avignon before the Schism between the Roman and Avignon churches, which led to the creation of rival popes in both places. After that three Antipopes reigned in Avignon until 1423, when the Papacy finally returned to Rome.

What was different about the popes during the period 1309-1378?

During that period the popes resided in Avignon, France.

What is the period when the french kinds controlled the popes at Avignon?

1309 to 1377

Where did the pope live during 1347?

From 1309 to 1378 the popes resided in Avignon, France.

Where was the Western Church based?

The Western Church has always been based in Rome for two thousand years, aside from the Avignon disaster when legitimate popes lived in Avignon in France from 1309 to 1377. All of those popes were French, and this contributed greatly to the Western Schism, and later to the protestant revolt. There were antipopes in Avignon from 1379 to 1411.

Where did the pope live in the Middle Ages?

they wore whatever they felt like wearing that day

Where did the pope live in Medieval times?

The popes have always been the Bishops of Rome, and so they have mostly lived in Rome, throughout the history of the Church. There have been times when the popes did not stay in Rome much, or did not stay there at all. There was a time from 1257 to 1309 whose popes are called the "wandering popes" because the political situation in Rome was such that they were unsafe there. There was also a time from 1309 to 1377 when the popes lived in Avignon. Aside from these times, there were papal palaces in different places where the popes would stay when they had some reason to be there. There is a link below to the an article on the history of the papacy.

How medieval popes lived and worked?

The popes of the Catholic Church have always been the bishops of Rome. That being the case, they nearly all lived in Rome, in a papal palace. There were other papal palaces in other cities, and there were times when the popes did not live in Rome at all. There was a period from 1257 to 1309, when the popes were said to have been wandering, because they rarely went to Rome because of political situations in the city. There was also a period from 1309 to 1377 when they lived in Avignon. But mostly, they lived in Rome.

Where did popes live from 1305 to 1377?

Avignon, in what is now southeastern France.

Which French City was once the seat of the Catholic Church?

From 1309 to 1378 the pope was based in Avignon, France.