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Q: From which group of voters did Talmadge receive his greatest support?
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What did Herman Talmadge have to do with the civil rights movement?

He reached out to african american voters.

What tactics did Governor Talmadge use to carry out his campaign promise?

To Talmadge, however, a promise to the voters was sacred, so he took several steps to carry through.

What are voters that dont support either democratic or republican parties?

Voters that don't support either the democratic or republican parties are known as independent voters. These voters can be libertarian, green party, or just about anything they like.

What group made up the greatest proportion of voters in the early 1800's?

The group that made up the greatest proportion of voters in the early 1800's was white men with property.

How do candidates try to get voters support?

by starting a community fundraiser

Why was Eugene Talmadge popular with the rural voters?

He created the state of Georgia's first consumer protection laws pertaining to the contents of fertilizer as agriculture commissioner. In addition, he lowered the cost of car tags to 3 dollars.

Why did many urban voters support Roosevelt and the democratic?

us history

What best describes centrist voters?

People who did not support one party

When qualified voters sign papers declaring support for a candidate?


A majority vote means the support of?

more than 50 percent of the voters.

What is a sentence for porpaganda?

The nominee used propaganda to try to gain support from voters.

Who was first black candidate for president to win the support of black voters?

Obama :)