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The heartbeat is caused by the contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle. The heart muscle is a special kind of muscle known as cardiac muscle, which is unique as it is both striated (strong), can work without tiring, and cannot be controlled (the movement of the muscle is automatic).

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Q: From which muscle does the heartbeat originate?
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Is the skeletal muscle voluntary?

Yes. Involuntary muscle movements include heartbeat, digestion in the stomach and breathing.

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Extrinsic muscles of the hand originate in the antebrachium (forearm).

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Action potentials associated with heartbeat regulation originate in the sinoatrial (SA) node, often referred to as the heart's natural pacemaker. The SA node generates electrical impulses that spread through the heart, coordinating the contraction of the atria and the ventricles. This rhythmic action potential initiation in the SA node is crucial for maintaining a regular heartbeat.

The primary characteristic of muscle tissues is their ability to?

contract, causing movement and heartbeat

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Muscle spasm, dont worry about it

How do the sounds of a heartbeat relate to the muscle contractions in the heart?

Your heartbeat is made by the sounds of your valves opening and closing. The valves are to keep your blood from flowing backwards.

What muscle originates at the anterior superior iliac spine and crosses both hip and knee joints?

The muscle that originate from ASIS is sartorius muscle. Inguinal ligament also originate here. By Binaisa Deus medical student KIU Uganda

Who is the most strength and heartbeat male or female?

Males usually are heavier, and have a larger proportion of muscle mass, so they tend to be stronger. What you mean by heartbeat - I have no idea.

What kind of cells in your body can contract?

Muscle cells contract, causing movement and our heartbeat.

Is your heartbeat an I involuntary muscle function?

Yes you cant stop it even if you wanted to. Therefore it is involuntary.

What are biopotential?

Eletric activities produced by a tissue of the body, such as in a muscle contraction, a heartbeat or even a brain activity.

Symptoms of stress can include all of the following except muscle tension sweaty palms increased heartbeat cold feet?

Cold feet is not typically a symptom of stress. Symptoms of stress usually involve physical tension, a racing heartbeat, sweaty palms, and muscle tension.