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Enzymes have extremely interesting properties that make them little chemical-reaction machines. The purpose of an enzyme in a cell is to allow the cell to carry out chemical reactions very quickly. These reactions allow the cell to build things or take things apart as needed. This is how a cell grows and reproduces. At the most basic level, a cell is really a little bag full of chemical reactions that are made possible by enzymes! Enzymes are made from amino acids, and they are proteins. When an enzyme is formed, it is made by stringing together between 100 and 1,000 amino acids in a very specific and unique order. The chain of amino acids then folds into a unique shape. That shape allows the enzyme to carry out specific chemical reactions -- an enzyme acts as a very efficient catalyst for a specific chemical reaction. The enzyme speeds that reaction up tremendously.

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Enzymes act as catalysts, facilitating chemical reactions.

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Enzymes act as catalysts to drive chemical reactions forward

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Q: What are the key properties of enzymes and what is their function in biological system?
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What is the most complex of all the system in the body?

its the embryonic origin of biological enzymes.

What is the most complex of all system in the body?

its the embryonic origin of biological enzymes.

Why are enzymes important to study?

Enzymes are required for nearly all biological processes from DNA replication to how drugs will effect your system. You can't go in depth in biology without understanding how they effect the system.

What do enzymes do in your system?

They act as biological catalysts, (in English) they speed up the process of breaking down materials in your body

What do enzymes do for the body?

Enzymes are globular proteins that function as biological catalysts in the body. They help to activate and speed up anabolic and catabolic reactions. For example, enzymes help to break down/digest the food you eat.

In which organ is biological activity of an enzyme present?

Enzymes are present throughout the entire body. Without these enzymes, simple chemical reactions would take too long to complete. Enzymes are best seen in the digestive system and in the stomach and small intestine. There, enzymes go to work breaking up nutrients such as proteins, carbs, and lipids.

What is the function of lysosomes in kids terms?

It is the digestive system of the cell. They contain enzymes that break down lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids.

Why is it essential that near constant pH is maintained in biological systems?

Acid base levels in living systems are important for the various biochemical processes that occur in the body. Enzymes function only within a range of pH levels, otherwise they will not function. As a result, chemical reactions will occur too slowly and will not be able to sustain life.

How do enzymes do their function?

The system in which enzymes work is often referred to as the 'lock and key' system Its where the enzyme and the substrate lock together. The substrate then unlocks into small properties Leaving the enzyme unharmed but the substrate having formed into its products Below is the formula enzyme + substrate ↔ enzyme- substrate complex ↔ enzyme + products [ E ] + [ S ] ↔ [ ES ] ↔ [ E ] + [ P ]

What is environment define?

Environment (biophysical), the physical and biological factors along with their chemical interactions that affect an organismEnvironment (systems), the surroundings of a physical system that may interact with the system by exchanging mass, energy, or other properties

Are enzymes a solid or a liquid?

Enzymes are a form of cells that live in your system

2 What is the main function of the mouth in digestive system?

When we chew food, the salivary glands secrete saliva which has enzymes and the mouth when we chew the food it is easier to swallow