

Function with no argument and no return values?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Are usable. Example:

void hello (void)


puts ("Hello");


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Are perfectly legal, for example:

void hello (void)
puts ("Hello");


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12y ago

void example (void)

{ puts ("Hello, I am an example"); }

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Q: Function with no argument and no return values?
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I'm not sure I understand you as it wouldn't make sense for a function to return a default value. Do you actually mean can a function return an argument that has a default value? If so, then yes. Any argument passed to a function, whether defaulted or not, can be returned by the same function. If the argument is passed by value then you must return it by value. If passed by reference (which cannot be defaulted) then you can either return by reference or by value. However, if you pass by non-constant reference then you can just use the reference as an output argument, and use the actual return value for some other purpose, such as reporting any error condition(s) created by the function. Overloaded functions are no different to ordinary functions, the only criteria is that each overload has an unique signature. The return value does not form any part of the signature, thus signatures cannot differ by return type alone.

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Classes cannot return values, only functions can return values. But you cannot return a function from a function, you can only return a function pointer -- a pointer variable holding the address of the function you wish to return. All possible return values must be of the same type, therefore all function signatures and return types must be exactly the same -- only the name of the functions can differ.

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Not all functions return values. If you take a function which is of type void, you get a function which is does not return anything. The only functions which should return values are those which are used as a right side of expressions (so called rvalues).

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To return multiple values of the same type, return an array. If the values are different types, return a tuple or data structure. To return values indirectly, return a pointer to the results (arrays implicitly convert to pointers, but tuples and data structures do not). A returned pointer must never refer to a local variable of the returning function; upon return, those variables will cease to exist, resulting in undefined behaviour. To avoid this, the caller may provide a user-defined storage location via an output argument, or the function may allocate the return values on the free store (the heap).

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If the function is inline expanded then it is not invoked at all -- there is no function call. However, if the function is not or cannot be inline expanded, a procedure call is invoked. This pushes the calling function's local values onto the stack, followed by the return address, followed by the callee's argument values in reverse order. Control is then passed to the address of the function. The function then pops the arguments off the stack and assigns them to its local parameters (parameters that are passed by value will automatically invoke the copy constructors of those parameters). The function then executes. When a return statement is encountered, the return address is popped from the stack, the return value (if any) is pushed onto the stack, and control is passed to the return address. When a function returns, the return value (if any) and the local values are popped from the stack, and execution continues from where it left off.