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Blue eyes - a recessive trait.

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Q: Genetically speaking blue eyes are
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Does a moose have eyelids?

Yes. The vast majority of cattle do have brown eyes, though occasionally there may be some that are born with blue eyes. This "condition" is rare though, mainly because it's assumed that, genetically speaking, brown eyes are always dominant to blue eyes.

Are there any famous blacks with blue eyes?

That's not genetically possible.

What are blue eyes genetically?

yes, unless you wear color contacts

What color eyes and hair will a baby have if a father has blond hair and blue eyes and the mother has brown hair and brown eyes?

Probably brown hair and eyes; blue and blonde are both genetically "weaker" traits.

What are some differences of a chimpanzee and a monkey?

monkeys have tails! Also, genetically speaking, if Chimps are our cousins, then monkeys are our 2nd cousins (we are more closely related to chimps, genetically speaking). :)

Are people half and half of their parents?

Genetically speaking, yes they are.

Is a human a evolved from a wolf?

genetically speaking, No, it is not possible in any way

Why do blue eyes and blonde hair go together?

The 2 colors have one thing in common: genetically, they are considered as no color. Blue is the natural color of eyes, and that is the color reflected off of your eyes if you have no pigment. Same goes for blonde hair. Trust me- my middle school teacher was a rocket scientist. Another Opinion: Actually, if your eyes have no pigment, they are pink. Look for pictures of albinos for proof.

Why did Hitler like people with blonde hair blue eyes?

Because they were (or looked like) perfect Germans. To him, they were absolutely perfect genetically and overall. Superior to anyone else who wasn't like this.

Do genetically modified crops effect the blue banded bee?

It really depends what type of genetically modified crop it is

What do blue eyes add blue eyes make?

green eyes

What color eyes does Prince Harry have?

His eyes are blue.