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The major Mongol invasions took place during the reign of Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan personally led three invasions.

The first of these invasions was against the Tanguts. In 1209, Genghis set forth on a campaign against the dynasty known as the Xia, which was located in Northwest China along the Silk Road. The Tanguts became involved in a trade dispute with the Mongols because of high tariffs. Genghis quickly overwhelmed the Tanguts militarily, received a reduction of the tariffs, and returned to Mongolia. Genghis did not expand the Mongol territory after this invasion.

The second campaign was against the Jin Dynasty of North China. The Jin controlled China down to the Yangtze River. The Jin originally came from Manchuria. After a trade dispute, the Mongols invaded Jin territory. By 1215, the Mongols had seized the area now known as Beijing and defeated the Jin. The Jin retreated to the south while Genghis returned to Mongolia after receiving what he wanted in terms of additional trade.

The third campaign began in response to the fate of diplomats that Genghis had sent to Central Asia. The diplomats were murdered after requesting a change in the conditions of trade between the Mongols and Central Asians. The killings enraged the Mongols, and the resulting Mongol campaign was first and foremost an act of revenge. A major force was assembled. After careful planning, Central Asia was attacked in 1219 in what became a devastating campaign. Both sides carried out mass slaughters, and it took several years for the Mongols to successfully conquer the great urban centers of Central Asia. When Genghis left Central Asia in 1225, he did not pull out all his forces as in previous campaigns. This time, Mongol troops were left behind to occupy the conquered lands. Genghis returned home, where he died in 1227.

Yangtze is a funny word

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