


The second-biggest landlocked country, Mongolia is located in Central and East Asia. It is bordered by China to the east, west and south, and Russia to the north. It is the world’s 19th biggest country at 603,909 sq mi.

802 Questions

What is another name for a Tibetan priest?

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A Buddhist priest (if that's what you mean) is called a Lama.

Not to be confused with the furry camel-like animal.

What is Mongolia climate zone?

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Mongolia has a predominantly continental climate, characterized by long, cold winters and short, warm summers. The country experiences a wide range of temperatures, with some regions reaching extremes of both heat and cold. Precipitation is generally low, with most falling during the summer months.

When was the last earthquake in Mongolia?

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The most recent earthquake recorded in Mongolia was on February 3, 2022, with a magnitude of 5.2.

How does Mongolia's landscape prevent farming?

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Mongolia's landscape is characterized by vast steppes, mountains, and desert regions with limited arable land and a harsh climate. The soil is often poor in nutrients, making it difficult to sustain agriculture. Severe winters, known as dzud, can also devastate crops and livestock, further hindering farming efforts.

How did Mongolia's geographical location contribute to Genghis Khan's success?

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Mongolia's geographical location, with vast grasslands and limited natural barriers, allowed Genghis Khan to easily mobilize and coordinate his cavalry-based army across the steppes. The open terrain facilitated the rapid movement of his troops and enabled him to launch surprise attacks on enemies. Additionally, the harsh climate and rugged landscapes of Mongolia helped toughen his warriors and prepare them for the challenges of warfare.

What is the capital of Mongolia located at 48 degrees north and 108 degrees east?

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Ulaanbaatar is the capital city of Mongolia, a country in east Asia. Ulaanbaatar is located at 48 degrees north and 108 degrees east.

How tall is mongolian?

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Asked by Lkhagva

The average height of Mongolian men is around 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm), while Mongolian women average around 5 feet 3 inches (160 cm). However, heights can vary depending on factors such as genetics, nutrition, and lifestyle.

Are there tigers in Mongolia and what type?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, there are Siberian tigers in Mongolia. They are also known as Amur tigers, and they are the largest subspecies of tiger, native to the Russian Far East, northeastern China, and parts of North Korea.

About half the populations of some countries in Africa are below the poverty level?

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Yes, poverty remains a significant issue in many African countries, with a large portion of the population living below the poverty line. Factors such as limited access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities contribute to the high level of poverty in these regions. Efforts to address poverty through economic development, social programs, and improved infrastructure are ongoing.

What is the area of Mongolia with grassy plains?

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The grassy plains in Mongolia cover the majority of the country, particularly in the northern and central regions. These grasslands are part of the Central Asian steppe ecosystem and contribute to Mongolia's vast landscape.

What are the Geographical features of Mongolia?

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Mongolia is characterized by vast steppes, rugged mountains, and desert regions including the Gobi Desert. The country is landlocked and has a relatively harsh climate with long, cold winters and short, warm summers. It is sparsely populated, with a nomadic lifestyle still prevalent in many areas.

Where is Mongolia found on a map?

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Mongolia is a landlocked country in east Asia and is bordered on the south by China and on the north by Russia. While not actually bordered by any other countries Mongolia's closest neighbor to the west is Kazakhstan and its closest neighbors to the east are North and South Korea, and Japan.

What plants are native to Mongolia?

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Some native plants of Mongolia include saxaul trees, feather grass, Mongolian herbs like thyme and sage, and wildflowers such as edelweiss and poppies. These plants have adapted to Mongolia's harsh climate and are important for the local ecosystem.

What is the latitude and longitude of Mongolia?

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Mongolia's latitude ranges from approximately 41 to 52 degrees north, and its longitude ranges from approximately 87 to 120 degrees east. The capital city, Ulaanbaatar, is located at a latitude of around 47.92 degrees north and a longitude of around 106.92 degrees east.

What type of natural resources are available in Mongolia?

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Mongolia is rich in natural resources such as coal, copper, gold, fluorspar, and uranium. It also has significant deposits of iron ore, oil, and rare earth metals. The country's vast landscape also provides opportunities for renewable energy sources like wind and solar power.

Are most Mongolian penises circumcised?

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Asked by Johntorresbrooklyn

No, circumcision is not a common practice in Mongolia. It is not a traditional custom or religious requirement in Mongolian culture.

Why does Mongolia have a very low population density?

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Mongolia has a low population density due to its vast land area, harsh climate, and rugged terrain, which make large parts of the country unsuitable for human habitation. The traditional nomadic lifestyle of the Mongolian people also plays a role, as herders spread out across the countryside to graze their livestock. Additionally, many young people are migrating to urban areas in search of better opportunities, further contributing to the sparse population outside of major cities.

Are native North Americans descendants of Mongolians?

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There is some evidence to suggest that the ancestors of Native Americans and Mongolians shared a common genetic lineage, originating from East Asia. However, Native Americans also have genetic and cultural ties to other populations, such as Siberians. Overall, Native American ancestry is a complex mix of various ancestral groups.

In what direction is Pakistan from Mongolia?

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North till east

What animals eat a Mongolian horse?

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Wolves bigtime. People eat horses in some backward parts of the world, sharks won't turn up their noses at horse meat if the horses go swimming, Komodo Moniters will eat horses if they can catch them. Coyotes will keep their distance. In a nutshell, wolves and people.

What is the national dish of Mongolia?

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It is called Hakar, a fermented and very aromatic shark meat, salted and buryed until rotten, it is very popular dish, and as they are a Danish colony dishes like Rullapulsa a type of rolled lamb that is cured, they have a unique hot dog made from Lamb.

How hot is a Mongolian grill?

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I have seen a grill get up to 700 plus degrees.

Which form of government did Mongolia in the late 1980s?

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It was a Communist government: the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party.

What was the former name of Mongolia?

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The Former names of the Mongolia's Capital:

1. Örgöö - means "Residence/Palace"

2. Ikh Khüree - means "Great Camp"...