

Grazing and Range/Pasture Management

Also known as pastoralism, grazing livestock have been around for millennia, ever since domestic animals--cattle, hogs, sheep, goats, horses--have been successfully domesticated. Grazing involves the consumption of forages and range or pasture management is a tool used to control grazing activities of livestock, primarily in effort to improve the quality of the land.

577 Questions

Does the whitetail deer need a certain area for grazing?

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Yes, whitetail deer require specific habitat conditions for grazing, including open areas with a variety of vegetation. They feed on grasses, leaves, fruits, and nuts, so having access to diverse food sources within their home range is important for their survival. Whitetail deer also have seasonal feeding patterns based on the availability of different food sources.

What type of telescope uses grazing incidence?

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X-ray telescopes use grazing incidence mirrors to reflect and focus high-energy X-rays, which would be unable to be focused using traditional optical lenses. This design allows for better resolution and sensitivity for observing celestial objects that emit X-rays.

How might the believers in spontaneous generation have disputed Redi's conclusion if Redi had not used a control group?

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Believers in spontaneous generation might have argued that Redi's results were inconclusive because he did not account for all possible variables affecting the appearance of maggots in the meat. Without a control group for comparison, they could have claimed that other factors, not just the presence of flies, might have influenced the generation of maggots.

Herds of grazing animals are most likely to be found in a?

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grassland or savanna ecosystem, where there is an abundance of grasses and other vegetation for grazing. These ecosystems provide the necessary food resources to support large populations of grazing animals like bison, zebras, and antelope.

What are two ways water can cycle through sheep in a pasture?

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Water can cycle through sheep in a pasture when they drink water from sources such as rivers, streams, or troughs, and when they consume moisture-rich vegetation like grass or plants. Additionally, water also cycles through sheep as they excrete urine and feces, releasing water back into the environment.

How many pounds of food can a grazing elephant eat a day?

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An elephant can eat up to 300 pounds of food a day, including grasses, leaves, fruits, and bark. They spend most of their day foraging for food to meet their large energy needs.

When unpolarized light is incident at a grazing angle upon water what can you say about the reflected light?

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The reflected light will be partially polarized perpendicular to the plane of incidence. This is due to the Brewster's angle effect, where light polarized in the plane of incidence is fully transmitted into the water, leaving the reflected light to be partially polarized perpendicular to the plane of incidence.

What is the name of the chamber in the digestive tract of grazing mammals in which cellulose is broken down?

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The chamber in the digestive tract of grazing mammals where cellulose is broken down is called the rumen. It is a specialized stomach compartment where bacteria and other microorganisms help digest cellulose by fermentation.

What is booty grazing?

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Booty grazing refers to lightly touching or caressing someone's buttocks in a playful or flirtatious manner. It is typically done without causing harm or discomfort and is often seen as a friendly gesture among friends or romantic partners. However, it is important to always obtain consent before engaging in any form of physical contact with someone's body.

How can plants save themselves from grazing?

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Plants have various defense mechanisms to protect themselves from grazing, such as producing toxins or thorns, emitting strong odors or tastes, and growing tough or hairy leaves. Some plants can also use chemical signals to attract predators of their grazers. Additionally, some plants can quickly regrow after being grazed to minimize the impact on their overall survival.

It is known that 40 cows can graze on a pasture for 40 days before the grass is exhausted but 30 cows can graze there as long as 60 days How many would the pasture last if 20 Cows were to graze on it?

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If 40 cows can graze the pasture for 40 days and 30 cows can graze it for 60 days, this means each cow eats 1/40 of the grass per day in the first scenario and 1/60 of the grass per day in the second scenario. To find out how long 20 cows would take to graze the pasture, we calculate that they would consume 1/40 * 20 = 0.5 of the grass per day. Therefore, the pasture would last for 80 days if 20 cows were to graze on it.

How do cows walk?

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Cows are not able to move particularly quickly. They can run at the most around 17 miles per hour. Their speed also depends on their size.

In what way does clearing forests for farming and grazing affect cloud cover?

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Clearing forests for farming and grazing can decrease cloud cover by reducing the amount of moisture released into the atmosphere through transpiration and evaporation from plants. This can lead to decreased cloud formation and potentially drier conditions in the region. Additionally, deforestation can disrupt local atmospheric circulation patterns, further impacting cloud cover.

Which type of telescope uses grazing incidence?

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X-ray telescopes use grazing incidence to focus X-ray photons onto a detector. By reflecting the X-rays at a very shallow angle, these telescopes can overcome the limitations faced by traditional optical telescopes in detecting X-ray emissions from astronomical sources.

How grazing affect the texture of soil?

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Grazing can compact soil, reducing pore space and leading to increased soil density. This compaction can result in diminished soil aeration and water infiltration, which can affect root growth and overall soil health.

How long does nitrogen on the pasture need to be on the ground before rain?

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Nitrogen in the form of urea or ammonium nitrate should be watered into the soil immediately after application to prevent volatilization losses. Ideally, it should be watered in within 24 hours, as rain may not effectively carry it into the soil.

What do people in the great artesian basin of Australia irrigate their grazing land with?

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People in the Great Artesian Basin of Australia primarily irrigate their grazing land with water from the basin itself. The basin is a vast underground water source that supplies water to support agriculture and livestock grazing in the region.

How does over grazing cause soil erosion?

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When grass is being repeatedly grazed before it has reached a minimum grazing height, the roots start to decrease in size and ability to retain soil anchor-ability. Soil is exposed when these grasses are grazed very close to the ground, making it easy for wind and water to blow and wash the soil away, respectively.

Prokaryotes in cow intestines produce more methane if the cow is fed a diet high in grains rather than grass Scientists propose that cows contribute to global warming How could it be tested?

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One way to test this hypothesis is to conduct controlled experiments with cows fed different diets (grain vs. grass) in controlled environments where methane emissions can be measured. Researchers can track methane production over time and compare the results between the two groups. Additional studies could also investigate the microbial communities in the cow intestines to understand how they differ based on diet and how they contribute to methane production.

Does grazing affect soil erosion?

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Yes, grazing can affect soil erosion. Overgrazing can remove vegetation cover, making the soil more susceptible to erosion from wind and water. Proper grazing management, such as rotational grazing, can help maintain vegetation cover and reduce soil erosion.

What percentage of land on the earth's surface is pasture?

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Approximately 26% of the earth's ice-free land surface is used as pasture for livestock grazing.

In what ways does clearing forests for farming and grazing land affect cloud cover?

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Clearing forests for farming and grazing land can reduce local cloud cover by changing surface albedo and disrupting local atmospheric circulation patterns. Forests typically trap moisture and release it through transpiration, which contributes to cloud formation. When forests are cleared, this natural process is interrupted, leading to decreased cloud cover in the area.

What effects does over-grazing cause on soil?

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Over-grazing can lead to soil erosion, compaction, and reduced vegetation cover. This can result in decreased soil fertility, loss of biodiversity, and increased vulnerability to droughts and floods. Overall, over-grazing can degrade soil health and ecosystem function.

Does homeostasis effect pH?

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Yes, homeostasis plays a crucial role in regulating the body's pH levels. The body maintains a stable internal environment by controlling the levels of acids and bases through processes like breathing, kidney function, and buffer systems. Disruptions in homeostasis can lead to acid-base imbalances and impact pH levels in the body.

Why is grazing far from the city center in the Von Thunen Model?

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In the Von Thunen Model, grazing is located far from the city center because grazing requires large amounts of land and space for animals to feed. Land further away from the city tends to be cheaper and more abundant, which makes it more economically viable to use for grazing purposes in the model.