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You can carry a gun in TX if you have a permit

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Q: Georgia can you carry a fire arm in Texas?
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Related questions

In capitalism are you allowed to carry a gun or fire arm?

Capitalism has nothing to do with the right to carry a gun.

Is annual completion of a gun control questionnaire required to carry a fire arm?

Not in the USA

Can a person be 18 years of age in the state of Indiana to be a police officer?

You have to be 21 to carry a fire arm.

What is a fire arm?

A Fire Arm is a gun

How o you import a pistol to Bangladesh?

You cannot import any fire arms in Bangladesh. It is also illegal to carry a fire arm in Bangladesh without a peoper licence.

Can you carry a fire arm if your felony for possession of drugs has been adjudicated?

NO. you still have a conviction. That would depend on how your case was adjudicated. Were you convicted of the charges, or were they dismissed?

What is the penalty for carying a fire arm by a convicted felon in Texas?

Ten years in a federal penitentiary for the gun, and ten years each for each of the rounds.

Can a person who legally purchased a firearm but does not have a license to carry have their fire arm in the car?

Depends on the state. Different places, different laws. In some, yes, in some, no.

What is the penalty for carrying a unloaded fire arm without a license while driving under DUI suspension in pa?

If you carry a un loaded fire arm with out a licence in pa witch i would not do!!!!!!!!!! so don't do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!or your fie arm will be takein and you will go to jail #1.te polece will think it is loaded + don't have a liceance so you will be hauld away too.

How do you carry a microscope?

You carry it with one hand on the base of the microscope and the other hand on the arm of the microscope. You must be careful with it too.

When you carry out something you?

you hold it in your arm or hand.

What were dally's injuries in the fire?

his arm.