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Q: German printer and inventor of movable type?
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German painter inventor of movable type?


Who was the German painter inventor of movable type?

I think, it is the versatile genius of the mid 1400s, Gutenberg..

First European to make movable type to print books?

Johannes Gutenberg, a German inventor and printer, is credited with introducing movable type printing technology to Europe around 1440. His invention revolutionized the production of books by allowing for faster and more efficient printing processes.

Who is Johann guttenburg?

He was a German goldsmith who invented the mechanical movable type printing.

What is Johann Gutenberg occupation?

Johann Gutenberg was a German inventor and printer who is best known for inventing the movable-type printing press around 1440. This invention revolutionized the spread of information and played a key role in the development of the Renaissance, Reformation, and Scientific Revolution.

Who was Johannes Gutenberg a patron to?

Johannes Gutenberg was a German inventor and printer known for developing the movable-type printing press in the 15th century. He did not have a specific patron, but his invention was supported by Johann Fust, a wealthy businessman who provided financial backing for Gutenberg's printing press.

The inventor of the movable type for printing was?

. Gutenberg

Where was the first printer invented?

The first printer was invented in South Korea by the Korean inventor named Bi Sheng, around the year 1040. This early form of printing used movable metal type.

When did Guttenberg invent movable type?

Gutenberg was the first European to use movable type printing, in around 1439, and the global inventor of the printing press

A type of engine named after its German inventor is called what?

A type of engine named after its German inventor is called Diesel.

When was Gutenburg's press invented?

Johannes Gutenberg was a German printer, publisher and black smith. He began using movable type printing in 1439 and starting the Printing Revolution in Europe.

Who was the famous German printer who used movable type to print the B ible in 1456?

Johannes Gutenberg, although according to Wikipedia he actually printed his Bible in 1455.