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Q: Germanium atomic number 32 is an element used in the manufacture of transistors Judging from its position in the periodic table how many covalent bonds does it usually form?
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What is the significance of families on the periodic table?

Elements in Families on the periodic table have similarities. Elements in the same family as iron are magnetic. The air force had a tremendous problem. Traditional lubricants were not working under the stresses their new machinery used. All of their lubricants were carbon based. They looked at the next element in the same family on the periodic table. It was silicon. They made a lubricant based on silicon. It worked fine. The first diodes and transistors were made with Germanium. It is an expensive metal to produce. It is on the periodic table right above silicon. This led to a number of experiments and attempts to produce a transistor using silicone. Finally after many tries, it worked. Inexpensive silicon transistors could replace expensive germanium ones. You wrote your question because silicon is below Germanium on the periodic table.

Why did Mendeleev leave a space for the unknown at the time element germanium in his periodic table?

Because germanium was not known at the time when Mendeleev formulated his periodic table.

How many covalent bonds soes germanium form to satisfy the octet rule?

You can see this happen in the F2 molecule. Each fluorine atom shares a valence electron with the other fluorine atom. So there is just one covalent bond.

Is germanium a mineral?

"" No germanium is a metal....

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What does Ge stand for in the periodic table of elements?


What does the symbol Ge stand for on the periodic table?


Where is semiconductor located in periodic table?

Silicon and germanium are situated in the group 16 of the periodic table.

What family does germanium belong to in the periodic table?

Germanium belongs to family of metalloids.They are also known as semi conductors.

What is the group of germanium?

Ge... germanium belongs to 4th- A group of periodic table also known as carbon family....

What group is germanium in the periodic table?

Germanium, symbol Ge, has an atomic number of 32. It is a metalloid in the carbon group.

What are the semiconduter elements in periodic table?

Mostly Silicon and Germanium.