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Q: Get its message across whilst the (literal) uses straightforward language. Figurative speech is writing because official language to words?
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Figurative language is different from literal language because?

Figurative language uses metaphors, similes, and imagery to create a deeper or more imaginative meaning, whereas literal language conveys information directly without any hidden or symbolic meanings. Figurative language brings color and emotion to writing by appealing to the imagination of the reader, while literal language is straightforward and factual.

Is dialog figurative language?

no dialogue is not figurative language because figurative language is similies, metephors and idioms and personification

What is figurative language?

Language that goes beyond the ordinary meaning of words. Figurative language is different from literal language in that the former uses all kinds of techniques including metaphor, simile, and so on to get its message across whilst the latter (literal) uses straightforward factual language. Figurative speech is desirable for novel writing because it is more interesting but literal is more appropriate in an official document and in academic writing. Non-literal or figurative language refers to words, and groups of words, that exaggerate or alter the usual meanings of the component words.

Why is imagery considered figurative language?

Imagery is considered figurative language because it uses descriptive words and phrases to create a vivid mental picture in the reader's mind. It often appeals to the senses and emotions, adding depth and richness to the writing beyond literal interpretation.

His fingers were a blur as he typed his story what figurative language is this and define it?

he is typing fast

How does the figurative language in Hamlet help to tell the story?

Figurative language helps Shakespare connect to the reader. Hamlet, along with Shakespeare's other pieces are considered timeless because of there ability to connect with the reader. Figurative language is just one mode that Shakespeare can connect with any reader from any era.

Is onomatopoeia figurative language?

No, onomatopoeia is a technique where a word imitates the sound it represents, such as "buzz" or "hiss." It is considered a type of figurative language because it creates a sensory connection to the sound being described, but it is more literal in nature compared to other figurative language techniques like metaphors or similes.

Is there any figurative language in Maniac Magee?

no because the book is focused on hyperbole and utardz

What type of figurative language is he was born in the heart of feudland?

metaphor just because

Arabic is not the official language in which country?

Arabic is not the official language in Iran. The official language in Iran is Persian.

Is french an oficiallanguage in Nigeria?

No. Atleast, It is not an official language because Nigeria has picked English as its official language for their country.

Which figurative language is this ''it was as silent as a''?

It is a simile, because it is a comparison using as, and a simile is any comparison using like or as.