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No, they do not give you cancer

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Q: Get cancer from silly bands
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Does silly bands give you cancer?

no it does not

Can silly bands give you cancer?


Are silly bands give you cancer?

No. They may leave a red mark if too tight, but not cancer.

When you wet a silly band can you get skin cancer?

No silly bandz does not cause skin cancer. For all of you curious. IT DOES NOT CAUSE SKIN CANCER! Its just a myth to get people to stop by silly bands.

What was the person who invented silly bands name?

no one knows who invented silly bands some people says it is made out of used condoms or it can give skin cancer

What do silly bands represent?

Silly bands are cute rubber bands that are shaped and never lose there shape. They have tons of silly bands around the world.

What types of silly bandz cause skin cancer?

well truth is all types of silly bands cause skin cancer because they are made out of a material used such as condoms....but not knew condoms they are made out of recycled condoms that the reason they cause skin cancer

Does silly bands give canceer?

No, they may leave a red mark but that is only if they are to tight. but it wouldn't give you cancer.

Where to buy SpongeBob silly bands?

you can buy spongebob silly bands at the cvs.

Who has 5963 silly bands?

i have 5963 silly bands and my mom paid for most.

Are wacky bandz and silly bandz the same?

Silly Bands are named Silly Bands because they aren't regular round rubber bands, they are all silly shaped, same with Wacky Bands. Which means, they are the same thing.

Why are Silly Bandz so popular these day?

Silly Bands are so popular these days, because kids and teens can buy silly bands and trade the silly bands they have for new ones.