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Fabric softener is highly carcinogenic. The synthetic fragrances used to make it are from petrochemicals. There are over 4000 chemicals to pick from when making a fragrance. Any one fragrance added to your fabric softener is made up of about 400 chemicals. EPA researches the chemicals for human health effects one by one, not in combination. Of the 50 chemicals submitted for "approval" each month by the EPA, only 12% get tested for toxicity. Of those 12%, 80% are carcinogenic (cancer causing). The tests that are used are negotiotiable with the industry creating the chemicals.

The Cosmetic Toiletry and Fragrance Assoc is the lobbying group for the fragrance industry lobbies to protect the "trade secrets" of these fragrances, which when used in combination are likely much more toxic than used alone. (like corexit used in the Gulf oilspill...together with the sweet crude oil (the kind that leaked) produce a double whammy. Sweet crude oil is more volatile than other kinds of oil that is drilled, therefore the by products are more easily carried into the air currents and brought on land.

Fragrances (synthetic) are immune suppressors, neurological inhibitors, and endocrine disruptors. If you say "you gotta die of something" then please consider that you are not just effecting your own life but all aquatic life and microorganisms, as these chemicals are flushed from your bodily wastes (shower and toilet) and your washing machine and into bodies of water where, as an aquatic toxicolosist friend of mne told me, are causing male fish to exhibit female traits. Maybe that's where we are headedfor those who don't care..make your self sterile so you can't reproduce the same ignorant non caring off spring. Perfect solution.

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Q: Get rid of fabric softener detergent smell?
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How do you get body odor out of clothing?

Washing it with a good laundry detergent and also with fabric softener should get rid of any smell.

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Wash again without fabric softener seems to work.

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You can get rid of old bloody chicken liver smell, spilled on your carpet, by scrubbing the carpet with hot soapy water. After the carpet has dried apply fabric softener.

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Static is caused by negatively charged ions. Fabric softener contains chemicals that have a positive charge. This eliminates the static electricity.

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Cationic softener is just another name for the items known as fabric softeners. They are used to soften the feel, make clothes smell fresher, and get rid of static cling in fabrics.

What will get rid of the excess fabric softener that collects at the top of the drum?

I use a used dryer sheet.

How do you get rid of smell in drawers?

In each drawer, place a briquet of charcoal (inside a sock to keep it from leaving black marks on things kept in the drawer), and a fabric softener sheet like the ones used in a clothes dryer.

Why can't you get rid of smell?

Because the smell has already been absorbed into fabric or it is very strong and cannot get off a certain object.

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use deodorant, or detergent water, or vinegar water or just dig around the poop until the smell is gone

Why does inside of car smell like garbage when you first get in?

It's because you eventually get used to the bad smell. You should try to get rid of the smell using fabric spray, ozone generator, etc.

Get rid of deadodor smell?

depends on what its on. on a hard surface use amonia. on fabric or anything porous, sorry for ya luck.

How do you get rid of the smell from your brand new air conditioner?

The longer u run it, the more natural the smell will become.. u could also place a fabric freshener sheet behind the vent