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when it grows

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Q: Give an example of when a plant might move?
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Related questions

Does a plant move?

Plants do move. The venus fly trap is one example.

Can a balsam plant move?

Yes they respond to changes like all living things. For example, they grow , or move towards the sunlight.

Is the reason water can move from the roots of a plant up to its leaves because of polarity?

Yes. ( You might want to study your biology)

How does a plant move water from the ground?

plant move water from the ground by its roots

Give two example of adaptation that fish have to living in a water?

Gills to breath with, and fins to move with.

Can you give an example of a simple sentence using stubborn?

His refusal to move from his spot showed how stubborn he was.

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There are various reasons that Britain's citizens might immigrate to the US. For example, they might move there to marry an American they met on the internet.

Can a plant move about?

No plants cannot move.

Why do the Maasai Move around from plain to plain?

the maasai tribesmen are nomadic wanderers. they follow food for themselves and their animals Example: Plant here in 2011 Plant here in 2012 Plant here in 2014 Plant here in 2013 Go from place to place

Which plant structures move water into the plant?


What objects continues to move when an unbalanced force is removed?

Air, Sonny D 😛

How does the water move from the soil to the plant?

the plant roots move around in the soil and soak up the water. then the water travels through the plant.