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The Nazis often liked to tortuure the Jews before their death. They would be gassed, or shot on he spot. (: Hope that helps!

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Q: Give atleast 2 ways that the Nazis exterminated the Jews?
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No, the Nazies believed that Jews were "subhuman vermin" and should be exterminated like rats and roaches.

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The Nazis were interested in exterminating groups that they felt were inferior. Jews, disabled people, Slavic people, and gypsies were the groups that were exterminated on racial grounds.

Before launching the Holocaust the Nazis used the media to describe the Jews as filthy rats who needed to be exterminated. After the Holocaust began Jews were often shipped to extermination camps in?

dehumanizing a group of people

Before launching the holocaust the Nazis used the media to described the Jews as filthy rats who needed to be exterminated after the holocaust began Jews were often shipped to extermination camps in c?

dehumanizing a group of people

Where Jews were held by the nazi and slowly exterminated?

They were held and exterminated, but not very slowly.