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Q: Give the steps of scientific method and explain each?
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Why do you use scientific method while doing an experiment?

The Scientific Method is used to give you a plan, or steps on how to correctly proceed through your scientific problem.

Give the steps of scientific method and identify them?

Ask a question, make a hypothesis, design a experiment, carry out the procedure, record and analyze data,and draw a conclusion and evaluate hypothesis

Give the meaning of scientific method?

Scientific Method means solving a problem through processes.

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What is the purpose of a conclusion in the scientific method?

is to give your final thoughts ad to tell if your hypothesis was correct.

How does a scientific name give information about a living thing and its close relatives?

A scientific name consists of two parts: the genus name (which is shared with closely related species) and the species name (which is unique to the specific organism). By examining the scientific name, scientists can determine the evolutionary relationships between different species based on their shared genus name. This system of binomial nomenclature helps organize and classify living things based on their genetic and evolutionary relationships.

Give 1 situation wherein you can apply scientific method?

I Love You Mhiahh Sarah Eugenio Arcilla....

What is the function of a hypothesis in the scientific method?

The function of the hypothesis is to give structure to the process of understanding how the world works.