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My name is Stanley Sequeira. I'm a catholic but not a saint. All catholics alive on this planet can be an answer to your question.

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Q: Give you a name of a person that is a Catholic but not a saint?
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You choose a saint's name when you are baptized, and you may choose another saint's name when you are confirmed.

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If you are Catholic then your confirmation name must be that of a person who has been declared a Saint by The Vatican.

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There is no widely recognized Catholic saint named Samantha. The Catholic Church has an elaborate process for canonization, which involves verifying miracles and a rigorous evaluation of the person's life and holiness. If Samantha has not been officially recognized by the Church as a saint, then she is not considered a Catholic saint.

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I can find no reference to any saint named Ruby.

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There is no specific Saint Lynn recognized by the Catholic Church. "Lynn" is a common given name, but there is no known saint by that name in the official list of Catholic saints.

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No, Deena is not a Catholic saint's name. It is a modern and popular name with various cultural origins.

What does it mean when st is at the beginning of a name?

"St." at the beginning of a name typically stands for "saint," indicating that the person is recognized as a saint in some Christian traditions. It is often used in Catholic naming conventions to honor and recognize individuals who have been canonized for their exemplary lives and faith.

Is there a Catholic saint named Saint Kimberley?

There is no Catholic saint named Saint Kimberley. The name Kimberley is not commonly associated with Catholic saint figures.

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No, there is no saint named Tarra.

Is Thelma a catholic saint?

No, Thelma is not recognized as a Catholic saint in the traditional sense. There is no known historical figure or saint with the specific name "Thelma" in Catholic hagiography.

What is the Catholic version of the name Fletcher?

There is no saint by this name.