

Give you an example for hyphen as puncuation?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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If you are asking for an example, I will give the three most common uses of hyphenation:

1. In professional writing it is often necessary to break one long word in to two hyphenated words so it will fit more neatly within the column of text. Ideally, this break should occur between two consonants and (if possible) should produce two pronounceable words in their own right. For example, "water-melon" is correct, while "waterm-elon" is not.

2. Many words are permanently attached to one another using hyphens. This gives those words a completely new meaning. For example, having a "father in law" suggests your father is a lawyer, while the hyphenated form, "father-in-law" means the father of your spouse.

3. Numbers, when written out in English, may require hyphens. For example, the number 35 should be written as, "thirty-five". This is done to avoid confusion, since the words "thirty" and "five" are also whole numbers by themselves.

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