

Give you answers on the emoeror penguin?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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biscuit bill up a hill

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Q: Give you answers on the emoeror penguin?
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The screen can change on Club Penguin by clicking + and -. If you go to this website: it may give you better answers. It's owned by Crystal 61. I know her in person! She is a heck of famous penguin on Club Penguin!

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It is illegal to hack into anything therefore Wiki Answers will not give further information to this question.

Answers on how to be come club penguin tour guide?

Finish the test at the ski village, get the hat, and give people tours. ur penguin has 2 be 45 days or older

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Club Penguin SGary

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go to club penguin

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A normal penguin on club penguin and a contributor to wiki answers.

What are the quiz answers to becoming a secret agent on club penguin?

THERE IS NO MORE QUIZ. Anyway, I won't give you them because that won't gt you anywhere.

Does Club Penguin gives virus?

OMG! Why would Club Penguin give viruses? Man CP is the best! Nothing has a virus at all! Believe me EvilTomboy99! I will give you answers that r true 4 everything! But there are honestly no viruses. Would I be typing this right now??

What are all the answers for the tore guid quiz on club penguin?

It depends on what answers you get.

What are the answers to the tour guide survey on Club Penguin?

What are the questions? I could answer if i knew the answers.

How do you get a tour on club penguin?

I can see what you mean ive got two answers 1. wait for a penguin holding up a tours here sign then say can i have a tour 2. if you want to become a tourist then your penguin has to be a sertan age then take the test and if you pass you can give people tours