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nuclear matrix

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Q: Given the structure and location what parts of the nucleus which would be more probably involved in chromosome location?
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If a piece of DNA breaks off a chromosome and attaches itself to a nonhomologous chromosome at another location what type of change has occured?

If a piece of DNA breaks off a chromosome and attaches itself to a nonhomologous chromosome at another location translocation is the type of change that has occurred. The chromosomal pieces are moved to a new location.

What chromosome is effected when you have crohn's disease?

Chromosome 16 has been a target of study by Crohns disease researchers lately and Chromosome 16 probably contains between 850 and 1,200 genes.

What is the crystal structure of einsteinium?

Probably a face-centered cubic structure.

What chromosoMe develops muscle?

Muscle type is polygenic and is probably influenced early on during the gastrulation phase. Since there is substantial variation within families all the alleles are not on the same chromosome.

The father apart two genes are located on a chromosome?

The farthest apart two genes are located on a chromosome the less likely they are to be inherited together. If two genes are on the same chromosome and rarely assort independently the genes are probably located close to each other.

In which structure will an individual report to two or more managers?

it can be matrix structure. you are probably making the hybrid form of an organizational structure.

What type of structure is an umbrella?

It probably is. It's not a frame structure or solid structure.

When you see a healthy green plant what process is the plant probably involved in?

it is involved in photsynthesis.

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Which chromosome contains the gene for hemophilia?

The X chromosome. That's why it's more common in males; females have 2 X chromosomes, but males only have 1. So if a woman has the hemophilia mutation on one of her chromosomes, she probably won't be affected by it.

What type of structure is present in solid air fresheners?

most probably gaint structure.......i am not sure

Can mutations be passed from parents to offspring?

You can probably get a better idea from Wikipedia's article on Mutations: