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Glycolysis produce 2 Pyruvate 2 NADH and 2 ATP. These are net products.

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1mo ago

Glycolysis provides a cell with a net gain of 2 ATP molecules and 2 NADH molecules.

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11y ago

It's 2 ATP molecules.

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Q: Glycolisis provides a cell with a net gain of?
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How many ATP is gain during glycolisis?

the net gain is 2ATP molecules -9th grade textbook

How much more ATP does aerobic repirtation produce then glycolysis alone?

36 atp is produced in areobic respiration and a net gain of 2 in glycolisis so 38 in total

How much ATP is made from Glycolisis?

Glycolysis generates a net total of 2 ATP molecules per glucose molecule broken down.

What produces NADH ATP two pyruvate molecules?


What is the net gain in ATP following the completion of aerobic cellular respiration of glucose in a brain cell?


Related questions

How many ATP is gain during glycolisis?

the net gain is 2ATP molecules -9th grade textbook

Glycolsis provides a cell with a net gain of?

2 Atp molecule

How much more ATP does aerobic repirtation produce then glycolysis alone?

36 atp is produced in areobic respiration and a net gain of 2 in glycolisis so 38 in total

What is a cell called that has neither a net gain of water nor net loss of water?

An isotonic cell is one that has neither a net gain nor a net loss of water. In an isotonic solution, the concentration of solutes inside the cell is equal to the concentration of solutes outside the cell, leading to an equal movement of water in and out of the cell.

How much ATP is made from Glycolisis?

Glycolysis generates a net total of 2 ATP molecules per glucose molecule broken down.

What produces NADH ATP two pyruvate molecules?


What is the net gain in ATP following the completion of aerobic cellular respiration of glucose in a brain cell?


A cell that has neither a net gain nor a net lose of water when it is immersed in a solution is?

In an isotonic solution, a cell will have neither a net gain nor a net loss of water. This occurs when the concentration of solutes inside the cell is equal to the concentration of solutes outside the cell, resulting in no movement of water across the cell membrane.

In a hypo tonic solution will a cell gain or lose water or no net change?

The cell will not loose or gain water.An isotonic solution means that the amount of solutes outside the cell is similar or equal to the amount of solutes inside the cell. Water is moving by osmosis both in and out of the cell at equal rates; the net movement of water is zero.A cell will lose water in a hypertonic solution (more solute in the surrounding environment) and gain water in a hypotonic solution (more solute in the cellular environment). Whether or not a solution is hypertonic, hypotonic, or isotonic is relative to the environment in the cell.

How many pyruvic acid are formed during glycolysis?

The enzymes of glycolysis catalyze the splitting of glucose, a six carbon sugar, into two three carbon sugars. These are then oxidized and their atoms rearrangged to form two molecules of pyruvic acid

How many ATP molecules can the cell produce from a single molecule of glucose through the complete?

Through the complete breakdown of a single glucose molecule, a cell can produce up to 36-38 molecules of ATP through cellular respiration. This process involves glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation in the electron transport chain.

How much ATP does a cell gain after glycolysis?

A cell can gain a net total of 2 molecules of ATP through glycolysis. This occurs when one molecule of glucose is broken down into two molecules of pyruvate.