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Q: Gold olive oil and cattle are used as what money?
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What are the benefits of gold?

Gold can be used as money.

If an economy used gold as money its money will be?

If an economy uses gold as money, it's money will be coins.

What money did the Celts use?

not sure but i think they used cattle and sheep as currency

What is gold used for today?

it is used in jewelery before it was used as money not anymore but you can sell it and get money for it

What was gold used for in ancient Rome?

In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!

Is gold used as money?

No, Gold is not used as money, Gold is used as jewelry. You can take your jewelry to a pawn shop or a jewelry store and then you can sell the jewelry to make money. Gold was only used as money when governments controlled its price. Today the price is allowed to change on a daily basis so it would be impossible to mint a coin and give it a fixed value.

What is gold trifluoride used for?

To make money

What is the name of money used in sumer?


What can gold wire be used for?

Turn it in for money $$$$

Are Gold pieces money?

yes they are money because they are very expensive and can be used as money

What are some ways gold is used?

as money what else?well it is not used as money anymore but it is used for jewelry and decorations

What are gold and diamonds used for?

They are used for jewerly and sometimes sold for money.