

Golden gecko doesnt eat

Updated: 11/15/2022
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12y ago

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Goldies are very selective when eating. There are several small and unoticable reasons as to why it may not be eating.

1. provide your pet with a variety of feeders. Try using dusted crickets that have been gut loaded, try a bowl/cup of meal worms or super worms, use larger prey, like silk worms 1-2 times a month. Or Even Repashy Crested gecko diet or the Gargoyle gecko diet.

2. Promote eating habbits by allowing them to bask during the day, this allows them to digest a little faster. you can do this by adding a 40W tightbeam on one end of the tank.

3. Don't stand near the tank expecting to see something, they are fully aware of your presence and even the vibrations from your feet is enough to startle them. Give your goldie some space to eat.

4. Purchase night time viewing bulbs to be able to sit back and watch not having to hover over your setup. Both the black/ purple or the infared work amazingly.

5. Temperatures should be around 78-84 on the warm side, humidity should be at least! %40. Without these conditions, stress can be present and no eating habbits will continue.

Tip- purchase a small digital scale and have a styrofoam cup, weigh your friend bi-weekly to see if she really isn't eating. Goldies are hard to catch in the act, be patient. Maybe it's eating no one knows.

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