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The reason why is probably because that fish wants its tank to himself. That was what was going on with my two fishes. So i than asked the manager at Petsmart, and he said that. So good luck.

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Q: Goldfish bites all other goldfish tail?
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Related questions

How big is the butterfly tail goldfish?

The butterfly tail goldfish usually measures in at 6-7 inches. They are condsidered to be medium in size compared to other goldfish. Their closest relative, the fantail goldfish, is slightly smaller at about 4-6 inches in length.

What could be the cause for a goldfish to have a part of its tail ripped off and the other two goldfish have one little rip in their tails?

They were probably fighting with each other.

How do you stop goldfish from eating other fish tail?

Goldfish are naturally attracted to rotting fins, so if your goldfish has rotting fins get a cure for it or change your water. Or, in the other case, if that goldfish is bullying its tankmate, move the bully or victim to another tank or return the bully to the pet store.

What species are related to fantail goldfish?

It is a goldfish with a big tail that looks like a fan?

Why is my black goldfish's tail turning white?

Having your goldfishes tail turn white could mean your goldfish is sick but it could also just be new tail growth.When goldfish grow new tail tissue it may appear white or grayish.This usually happens when a goldfish isn't fully grown .If it is new tail growth than it will be on the end and tips of the fish's tail not the whole tail.

What are some of the different types of goldfish?

There are many different types of goldfish. The Comet and the Common goldfish are often the ones most seen. Black Moor, Bubble Eye, Butterfly Tail, Celestial Eye, Fantail, Lionchu, Lionhead, Oranda are some other commonly known goldfish.

How can you get your fan tail fish to stop attacking your goldfish?

My goldfish Fan tail is attacking my small gold fish, they have been together for over a month now but has only recently started to nibble at the smaller goldfish, how can i stop this

What to do with goldfish which have outgrown their tank?

The rule of thumb for goldfish is 10 gallons per double tail fish (fancy goldfish) and 20 gallons per single tail goldfish. If your goldfish are overcrowded you can either, buy a second tank, return some of the fish to the petstore, or ask if anyone you know would like to have one of the fish.

How to get long tail in goldfish?

stretch a normal gold fish tail

How to know if a goldfish is a female?

The female goldfish has larger tail fins, and most of their coloration is completely orange. On the other hand, the males are usually orange with white specks on their gills.

Do male goldfishes have longer tales than female goldfishes?

No, both male and female goldfish's tails are the same length. The sex of a goldfish does not determine how long a goldfish's tail will be. Usually the parents and what type of variety of goldfish the fish is will.

How do you tell if a fantail goldfish is male?

it has a short tail