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If your goldfish is not being attacked by a tank mate (which would mean that you either need to remove the aggressor, or place the beaten up fish in another tank) then it's likely a water quality issue.
Typically when something like ammonia is at toxic levels, this will begin to shred & rot your fish's fins.

If this is the case, you need to do an immediate 75% water change in your tank making sure that the new water is the same temperature as the old water, and that you use the recommended dosage of aquarium water conditioner per the instructions on the bottle.

You should make sure that you are doing regular maintenance in your tank which includes at least a 50% water change every week; more if your tank is too small or overstocked.

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Q: Goldfish is being eaten alive help?
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A goldfishes colour does not help it survive. The goldfish is a man developed (through selective breeding) species and did not evolve naturally. When they are released in the wild, they breed and the brighter coloured ones get eaten more readily because they are relatively easy to see. This eventually (over the years) makes the species slowly return to their original colouring which is a drab green/brown on the back with a silvery belly.

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A male goldfish developes white spots when he is about to fertilize the females eggs. It could be possible that you have a male and a female! Congrats!!!

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Goldfish are omnivores and cannibals so other larger goldfish can be predators to your smaller goldfish. Other predators are carp and koi. None swimming predators can include raccoons or house cats. Only place goldfish into an aquarium with other similar sized goldfish. By having a deep enough and wide enough outdoor goldfish pond with a few aquatic plants living in it for your goldfish to hide in, will help them avoid becoming prey to those predators.

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When was Help I'm Alive created?

Help I'm Alive was created on 2008-12-23.