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ha ha gold fish dont eat minnows but if you put them in the same tank they wont be happy toegether trust me im afish expert he he just jokeing i saw it on telivision

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Q: Goldfish why do they eat your minnows?
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What do albino tiger Oscars eat?

minnows, carnivore food, goldfish, & flakes.

What you feed freshwater minnows?

I feed mine goldfish flakes and they eat it.

Can a bass eat goldfish food?

If the bass is large enough to swallow the goldfish then it will eat it.

How do you take care of baby minnoes?

I have some baby minnows and the eat goldfish flakes. you should also keep them separated from other minnows because they might try to eat them.

What do Oscar fish eat?

feeder goldfish you can also use minnows but feeder goldfish are better because they are bigger they are about 30 cents each

Do goldfish and minnows do okay together?

Only if they are white cloud minnows.

Are minnows goldfish?

No. They are very different types of fish.

What other fish can you put in with minnows?

goldfish mainly

Will a red eared slider eat your goldfish?

Yes they will, as long as the turtle is big enough to eat the size goldfish you are providing for it. Though, I would not recommend feeding them goldfish as they are fatty and unbalanced. As far as live fish go, I recommend feeding minnows or rosy reds.

Do sharks eat minnows?

no, sharks do not eat minnows. dolphins do, though.

Can red minnows live with goldfish?

Well I just got one-(a red eyed tetra)- yesterday, and I have a 37 gallon aquarium filled with goldfish, and my red-eyed tetra has done fine. It's been eating, and getting along with my goldfish, so yeah, Tetras do fine with goldfish.

What eats minnows?

frogs can eat minnows