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There are good things about a zoo, like the fact we get to see animals up close, and they can be studied. The bad would be the animals are not in the wild.

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Q: Good and bad things about zoo's?
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Are the majority of zoos good or bad?

the majority of zoos are bad for animals

What are good things about zoos?

Good things about zoos are that the zookeeper does research on the animal so, they can feed it, care for it and breeding it.

Are zoos a good thing or bad thing?

good thing

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actually they are not too bad...

What bad things do children think about zoos?

Some people think animals should be kept in the wild.

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That depends on your opinion, but good zoos do provide opportunities for education and also they help endangered species grow back. Bad zoos, where they use the animals only for entertainment, are cruel and should be banned, but good zoos have their uses.

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Zoos that have bad minds. Get them out of the zoo!

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Because zoos' temparature is not better for penguins.

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yes. Killed them, taken there homes put them in Zoos and many bad things

What are the bad things of zoos written like a conclusion?

Some people view zoos as bad because they feel animals are detained. Some zoos are no trained properly to care for the animals they own. Zoos who provide proper medical care, proper diets, and proper living facilities are safe for the animals. Some zoos actually house many injured animals, and care for the ones who could never be returned to the wild.

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Seriously, religion doesn't make people do bad things.

Are zoos clean?

Zoos are good if they aren't hurting the animals and they are in good living conditions.