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Q: Graft-vs-host Disease - skin discolorations treatments and is a creme for dark discolorations spelled M-----something?
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Are there treatments or cures for huntingon's disease?

there is no cure for huntington's disease

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How do we treat disease?

Disease can be treated in many ways. These included treatments such as antibiotics, etc.

What is the treatment for Schilder's disease?

Treatments are aimed at slowing the inexorable course of the disease, and are similar to treatments used for multiple sclerosis, such as high dose steroids, beta interferon, and immunosuppressants.

Is there treatment for Huntington's disease?

There are currently no treatments that alter the course of Huntington Disease, although many are in the research stage. Right now all treatments given are to alleviate symptoms.

What is scaladerma?

Scleroderma is an auto-immune disease that affects the skin. It is a debilitating disease because it hardens the skin. There are no treatments for the disease.

Is there a cure for Parkinson' Disease?

No. There are treatments that have been proven to help, but there isn't an outright cure for Parkinson's. There are no cures, but there are treatments.

Were the treatments successful for the black plaque?

Treatments during the Middle Ages were not, and usually made the victims sicker, if anything. Modern treatments (antibiotics) are successful when the disease is diagnosed early.

What are good treatments that a person may get if they have a serious disease?

The treatment for any disease is dependent on the type of disease your have. Sometimes you can treat a disease and sometimes you can only treat the symptoms.

Is there any true treatment for Alzheimer's disease?

There are no true treatments to cure Alzheimer's but there are many treatments that can slow the effects of Alzheimer's. You can get treatments to make your Alzheimer's less noticeable but Alzheimer's cannot be cured.

Is there a website with information on Crohn's Disease symptoms? has a lot of wonderful info about crohn's disease symptoms, treatments, and much more.

Is lupus a critical illness?

Lupus is a serious autoimmune disease, and unfortunately some patients die as a result of lupus and/or the treatments for the disease.