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Q: Great Britain defeated Napoleon and France at Belgium in 1815?
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Where did Great Britain defeat Napoleon and France in 1815?

At Waterloo in Belgium in 1815 an allied army of British, Dutch and Prussian troops defeated the French army of Napoleon. Major forces were led by Great Britain's Lord Wellington.

What was the battle where Napoleon was defeated for good?

Waterloo was a battle fought by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the United Kingdom of the Netherlands vs the Empire of France that had claims on Belgium. The British did not want to give France Belgium's industry and therefore fought the French at Waterloo.

Great Britain defeated Napoleon and France at?

Sunday 18th June 1815 at the Battle of Waterloo

When france defeated austria it aquired the country of?

When France defeated Austria it acquired country of Belgium.

What was the coalition that defeated France under Napoleon?

The Seventh Coalition, set up by Austria, Prussia, Russia and Great Britain.

What is the purpose of Trafalgar Square?

To honor those that died in the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 when Britain's navy defeated Napoleon I of France.

How important a part did Britain play in the downfall of Napoleon?

Britain overcame Napoleons Continental System, this forced other less powerful states to choose sides over France or Britain and a few swayed sides towards Britain. Britain actually thrived during this time and most of Europe took a financial hit because of the laws. Britain was also a part of all of the coalitions that fought France and weakened their army enough to the point where they defeated Napoleon and exiled him. When Napoleon returned from his exile he was defeated by the coalitions again in Waterloo where he was finally exiled to St. Helena and eventually died of cancer. This all shows that not only did Britain have a role in defeating Napoleon but they were one of the main reasons he was defeated.

Was Great Britain allies with France or belgium?

Yes Great Britain was an ally to France and Belgium.

When France defeated austria is acquired the country of?


What did Napoleon do to lose the position as Emperor of France?

He was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo.

Who defeated Germany?

Germany defeated, The netherlands, France, Belgium and Luxembourg by mid 1940s

What country defeated Napoleon Bonaparte?

Napoleon was ultimately defeated at Waterloo in 1815 by the British with the (not inconsiderable) aid of Prussia. However this does nothing to mention what had happened at Wagram, Aspern-Essling, Borodino or Leipzig & elsewhere in previous times & in previous campaigns. Indeed many of Wellingtons allied forces at Waterloo had fought for Napoleon in previous years. Napoleon had run out of friends on the battlefield. No Saxons, Bavarians, Wurttembergers to do his bidding any more. Britain had been constant in opposition, but it was the loss of his continental allies which made the difference.