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Pan, greek god of shepherds and flocks.

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Q: Greek god that is part goat and part man?
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What is a goat like man - Greek Sylvan deity?

A satyr is a man with the legs of a goat and goats horns

Who is the god of the flute?

the greek god PAN. half man, half goat.

What Greek god is represented as a man with the legs and horns of a goat?

Pan is.

What was the animal of the greek god pan?

Half man/half goat.

Which Greek god was part man and part animal?

That would be Pan, the god of shepherds and flocks, hunting and rustic music. He is also the guardian of the wilderness. He has the hindquarters, legs, and horns of a goat.

Is the greek god pan a man or woman?

Pan was a satyr (half man half goat)

What is the greek god Pan the deity of?

He is the deity of herds well he is the shepherds god, and he was a goat-man so what do you think?

What is a sater?

A sater, more often called satyr is a creature that is part man, part goat from Greek Mythology.

What kind of god is Grover Underwood?

Grover Underwood was not a god. He was a satyr. In Greek mythology, a satyr was a creature that was half man and half goat.

Panic is derived from the name of a god of what ancient god?

The Greek god Pan. He was the god of flocks/herds/nature and was typically represented as a satyr (half man half goat).

The symbol for the god of nature and flocks?

The symbol for the god of nature and flocks is usually depicted as a shepherd's crook or staff, known as a "crook and flail." It represents the god's role as a shepherd or protector of flocks in nature. In ancient Egyptian mythology, the god associated with these symbols is typically depicted as a human figure with the head of a ram or a ram itself.

Does the Greek god pan got wings?

The Greek god Pan was depicted as a man with the horns, legs and tail of a goat, and with thick beard, snub nose and pointed ears. He was not depicted with wings