

Grows into a new plant

Updated: 11/24/2022
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Q: Grows into a new plant
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What is the part that grows into a new plant?

The embryo part of the seed grows in to a new plant

How a new plant grows a stem cutting?

plant grows well using stem cutting are rose

Which plant's leaf grows into a new plant?

The spider plant is known for its ability to produce new plants from its hanging shoots, called stolons or runners. The baby plants, known as spiderettes or plantlets, can be propagated by cutting them off and planting them in soil to grow into new plants.

How do new plant grows from root sprouts?

new plant grows from a root by digging it near the base of a mother plant and transfer it to a new pot of soil and make sure that it is moistened by water to make a plant grow.

What Grows to produce a new plant?

a seed?

How new plant grow from rose?

A new rose plant grows from rose cuttings(stem cuttings).

What is it called when a plant grows in a new or disturbed area?


What happens as plant grows new leaves?

nothing happens

What single reproductive cell grows into a new plant?


What appends during fertilization of a flower?

it grows a new plant

Does a plant that grows in sand grows stronger than a plant that grows in cotton or oil?

answer: yes, a plant that grows in sand grows stronger than a plant that grows in cotton or soil. =)

What part of the plant becomes the shoot?

plumule develops into a shoot and then form a shoot system