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Weak acid

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HCN is a weak acid. It dissociates partially in water to form the hydronium ion and the cyanide ion. It is soluble in water.

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Q: HCN is strong acid or weak acid or base or it is solible in water?
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Is The conjugate acid of a strong base stronger acid than water?

Yes, the conjugate acid of a strong base is typically stronger than water as strong bases have weak conjugate acids. The stronger the base, the weaker its conjugate acid is in comparison to water.

What products are produced in a neutralization reaction between a strong acid and a strong base?

The products of a neutralization reaction between a strong acid and a strong base are water and a salt. The salt is composed of the cation from the base and the anion from the acid.

What makes an acid or base weak or strong?

The strength of an acid or base is determined by its ability to donate or accept protons (H+ ions). Strong acids completely dissociate in water to release H+ ions, while strong bases completely ionize to release OH- ions. Weak acids and bases only partially dissociate/ionize in water. The extent of dissociation/ionization determines the strength.

Is potassium chloride a base acid or a base?

It is not a base or acid as it is neutral and has a PH value of 7

What forms when a strong acid combines with a strong base?

When a strong acid combines with a strong base, they neutralize each other to form salt and water. This reaction is called a neutralization reaction. The salt formed usually remains dissolved in the water.

Is water substance classify as a strong acid acid neutral or strong base or base?

Water is classified as a neutral substance. It has a pH of 7, which is right in the middle of the pH scale, indicating it is neither an acid nor a base.

Is h2so4 base salt or acid?

Sulfuric acid is a strong acid which is highly soluble in water.

When an acid and an alkali or a base neutralise each other what is made?

When an acid and an alkali or base neutralize each other, they form salt and water. This is a chemical reaction where the H+ ions from the acid react with the OH- ions from the alkali to form water, while the remaining ions combine to form a salt.

What acid and base can you comdine and what happens?

How about the ever faithful hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide: HCl + NaOH --> NaCl + H20. Strong Acid + Strong Base = Salt & Water

When you combine NaOH with water is it an acid?

No, NaOH, sodium hydroxide, is a strong base, not an acid.

Can Neutralize a base physical or chemical?

Neutralization is a chemical reaction where an acid and a base react to form water and a salt. It can occur when a base, whether physical or chemical, is mixed with an equivalent amount of acid to result in a neutral pH. This process helps balance the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.

Is CH3NH3 a strong acid or base?

CH3NH3 is a weak acid and exists in equilibrium with its conjugate base, CH3NH2. It does not fully dissociate in water.