

Best Answer

If you brun teh 05g0 of caol uyo gte abuot 7g002k of electrci that mkase you unite electric.

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Q: HOW Much coal has to burned to make you unit electric?
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Related questions

How is stored chemical energy converted into thermal energy when coal is burned to make steam?

It's converted by the coal being burned.

How does coal work to make electricity?

it gets burned

What was used for heating when there was no electricity?

Wood or coal was burned to make heat

What type of power does coal make?

coal makes heat and electrical power when burned down. By: Big Country

Was a black rock that can be burned to make heat?

Coal. It is a black shiny rock. It is a solid twin to crude oil.

How do you make a garden on sims 2 castaway wii?

collect coal from wood what have already burned out

What are some products made out of coal?

There are various uses of coal out of which 85% of coal is burned to generate electricity. The ash is sometimes used in building products. Much coal is converted to coke, which is largely used to make steel. Some coal is used to make natural gas, and CTL (Coal to liquid) processes coming on line can make gasoline or diesel fuel. Coal is also used to make many chemicals, such as medicines, paint thinner, varnish, and insecticides. There are some bye-products of coal such as coal Tar , coal tar pitch

Why is coal better then nuclear?

Coal can be easily mined and burned, whilst to use nuclear fuel requires a lot of scientific effort to make it safe

How is coal collected to make useable energy?

Coal is mined by being dug out of the earth by mining machinery. It is transported by truck, rail or ship to the point where it will be burned as fuel.

How much does it cost to make electricity from coal?

That very much depends on the cost of the coal. Question has no answer

What energy source is dug out of the ground and is burned to make electricity?

The energy source which Is dug out of the ground is called coal and is can be burnt to make electricity

does coal start wild fires when burned?

YES And to make it extra special there is an underground coal fire that causes brush fires every years about 20 miles from my house.