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Do animals eat their young?

no, they actually protect them. they are babies just like how we protect our babies. they have the gift of loving and knowing the young ones.

What are young salamanders called?

what are young salamanders called

How do Zanzibar Suni protect their young?

The zanzibar protect their young by fighting for their babies when they're is a predator around.

How many eggs do salamanders lay?

how many babies do salamanders lay

Does the great white shark protect it's young?

the mother sharks do not protect their babies.

Do dingoes protect their young?

yes they do they sometimes get hungry and eat there babies

Why are there babies born alive?

so when they are born they can protect themselves as young

Why are dog breeds protective of children?

Because they are young so they think of them as babies. Animals instincts are to protect babies.

How do porcupines protect and train its young?

It protects its young by telling the babies to stay be side she or him train it train its young by practicing.

How many young does a fire salamander have?

Salamanders will generally have between 20 and 40 babies at a time. They lay eggs and the eggs hatch. Salamanders lay eggs up to 4 times in a season.

Do salamanders care for there young?


How often do spotted salamanders have babies?

1s a year